martes, 31 de octubre de 2017


We love this spooky festivals because we can go to school in our favourite costumes. So we can be ghosts, witches, skeletons or whatever. 

We are deathly cute!!

Some of our beautiful girls...even today!

jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017

Solar System

This unit we are learning about the Solar System. We know that there are eight planets: Mercury,Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. 
We are learning about Earth too. It is moving all the time!! It's known as the Blue Planet because it has got lots of water. 

We are going to prepare a Solar System Mobile:

Waiting while planets dry

And finally, this is the result. Our own Solar System!! I know...the Moon is missing! In process...

Beautiful, isn't it? We are learning about rotation and revolution. The Solar System is in continuous movement.

viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017



Our bilingual classes also studied plants in the Art and Crafts subject. It has been very interesting because we discovered that many artist used plants, flowers and trees in their pictures that nowadays are very famous. 

We worked together and had a very good time colouring spirals, cutting them ang glueing all together. 

We also played a game called "Musical Hugs" and all the pupils get several hugs from different partners. 

We hope you like it because we LOVE IT!!!!!

martes, 10 de octubre de 2017

Living Things - Plants


According to what we are learning in this unit about plants we have planted garbanzos, lentils and been seeds. We know that first of all we plant the seed. It needs water, sunlight and air, we just have to wait. Soon we colud see the steem and the leaves. 
Very soon!!  

Few days later our plants were as big as this one!!! We could also watch the roots. We love our plants.

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

Living Things - Lapbook


This unit we have worked in groups to create a beautiful lapbook. We made three books about plants and other two books about animals. 
We talked about types of trees, if they are decidious or evergreen, their cycle of life, and what they need. 
And about animals we talked about their cycle, what they eat, how they move or interesting facts about their body. 

The other class has prepared a mural about living things. It's beautiful too!!! The corridor is amazing with our works.

This is the final result working the two classes together. Do you like it?